JA Delmas

LEGAL NOTICE & CREDITS © 2024 Burkina Equipements

JA Delmas



Bronze medal for Service Excellence

Have you heard of Service Excellence?

Caterpillar dealers worldwide work together to constantly improve their service towards our customers, because meeting your needs is our top priority. Thanks to an advanced rating system, we can now measure the performance quality and quantity of each Cat® dealer!

To do so, we identified the key success factors:

  • Be brilliant in the fundamental issues
  • Align the components rebuild strategy
  • Improve the collaboration
  • Prepare the teams for tomorrow
  • Use the new technologies to increase service efficiency
  • Develop value-added services
  • Handle a multi-brand fleet support

That’s why in 2016, Burkina Equipements, your dealer from JA Delmas network in Burkina Faso reached the bronze level !

Manutention Africaine Côte d’Ivoire, Caterpillar dealer in Ivory Coast and Saudequip, Caterpillar dealer in Senegal, also obtained this level.

Concerning Manutention Africaine Mali, it is a nice fourth position as 99% of the bronze objective was fulfilled.

For 2017, we aim towards silver!